Don't check the answers

One of the key differences between LearnObit and other spaced repetition tools is that it only shows you a limited portion of your answers.

I understand that you might want to find out if you recalled information correctly when you're rating notes (you can do this by clicking on the note or using alt + a).

But I don't recommend doing this. If you're struggling to recall something, rate the note as "Failed to Recall (or Need to Memorize) straightaway — before peeping at the answer.

If you're struggling to recall something, rate the note as "Failed to Recall (or Need to Memorize) straightaway — before peeping at the answer.

Here's why:

1) Checking answers is a huge bottleneck.
This comes back to the SnT condition in learning theory. The idea is that the most efficient way to learn is to test yourself on everything and then study the content you failed to recall — and to keep testing yourself until you can successfully recall everything. It's far quicker way with similar effect.

2) Even if you fail to recall something, it’s best not to check the answer immediately.
You'll learn far more if you review again after a short interval — and LO facilitates this process.

3) When you review something and try to remember it again, the mechanism is different to when you try to recall it from nothing the first time.
If you check the answer and tell yourself "I know that," it's probably not true —in the learning world, we say that people confuse "knowing" with "familiarity." You only really know something if you can recall it with no prompt.

Still not convinced?
Some people might think that 'It could be wrong if I was confident about the answer.' Then consider these:
1) It seems to be a trade-off between efficiency and perfection. However, I think that the efficiency gained by using this methodology is large, and there are few damages in perfection.
2) You can still check all the answers if you want. Hit 'alt + a' or click on the notes. Even in Anki, one hit is required to move from the question to the answer anyway, so this is not more fraction, also considering that LO shows multiple questions and answers at once.
(But even in this case, I think you should check answers only for confusing notes)